Yiting Shu

Yiting Shu

Yiting Shu

Silent Ocean

Silent Ocean

Jun 10, 2022

Jun 10, 2022


Silent Ocean is an interactive system that helps seafarers to determine the appropriate speed with visual cues so that the impact of noise on underwater animals could be reduced effectively. The integrated system takes ocean noise pollution into consideration and uses the light reminder to visualize the extent to which animals are affected.


While people have various ways to reduce the noise pollution around, including reporting a noise complaint or buying earplugs, underwater animals are suffering more from it. Compared to other pollution, anthropogenic underwater noise wasn’t being openly discussed as a major problem affecting the ocean or being addressed in conservation policies. To reduce the long-term impact on animals and protect species diversity, ocean noise pollution needs to be addressed.

Problem Statement

How might we help seafarers to control the speed of ship in a more eco-friendly and efficient way?


  • Integrated Information

    Factor affecting the speed of the vessel
    -The weather on the Marine Weather Forecast
    -GPS shows current route and positions of others
    -Current vessel speed on Speed Log
    -Realistic fuel consumption on the Flow Meter
    -Positions of marine mammals on Ocean Glider
    Integrated in one system and provides objective suggestion for the captain, and they can avoid ignoring factor of noise pollution.

  • Speed Alert Visualization

    A visual reminder in a more prominent position to tell the crew whether the current speed is reasonable and the impact on marine ecosystem.

  • Advanced Warning

    Warning crew members to slow down when they are within a certain distance of a marine mammal or its habitat


With the increasing amount of human activity on the ocean, underwater animals and the ecosystem are suffering from the human-produced noise inevitably. Commercial shipping is the dominant contributor of underwater noise that is sometimes ignored, as it is not visible and ship is normal transportation. However, most underwater animals sense the environment acoustically and rely on hearing to live. The noise has made the ocean a sonic world and impaired the animals’ ability to hear.

For this project, I make a functional product that could help people be aware of the consequences caused by man-made noise and how to reduce them. After researching equipment and reports, I finalize it with an integrated system of different factors and a reminder for changing speed.

Silent Ocean

Jun 10, 2022


Silent Ocean is an interactive system that helps seafarers to determine the appropriate speed with visual cues so that the impact of noise on underwater animals could be reduced effectively. The integrated system takes ocean noise pollution into consideration and uses the light reminder to visualize the extent to which animals are affected.


While people have various ways to reduce the noise pollution around, including reporting a noise complaint or buying earplugs, underwater animals are suffering more from it. Compared to other pollution, anthropogenic underwater noise wasn’t being openly discussed as a major problem affecting the ocean or being addressed in conservation policies. To reduce the long-term impact on animals and protect species diversity, ocean noise pollution needs to be addressed.

Problem Statement

How might we help seafarers to control the speed of ship in a more eco-friendly and efficient way?


  • Integrated Information

    Factor affecting the speed of the vessel
    -The weather on the Marine Weather Forecast
    -GPS shows current route and positions of others
    -Current vessel speed on Speed Log
    -Realistic fuel consumption on the Flow Meter
    -Positions of marine mammals on Ocean Glider
    Integrated in one system and provides objective suggestion for the captain, and they can avoid ignoring factor of noise pollution.

  • Speed Alert Visualization

    A visual reminder in a more prominent position to tell the crew whether the current speed is reasonable and the impact on marine ecosystem.

  • Advanced Warning

    Warning crew members to slow down when they are within a certain distance of a marine mammal or its habitat


With the increasing amount of human activity on the ocean, underwater animals and the ecosystem are suffering from the human-produced noise inevitably. Commercial shipping is the dominant contributor of underwater noise that is sometimes ignored, as it is not visible and ship is normal transportation. However, most underwater animals sense the environment acoustically and rely on hearing to live. The noise has made the ocean a sonic world and impaired the animals’ ability to hear.

For this project, I make a functional product that could help people be aware of the consequences caused by man-made noise and how to reduce them. After researching equipment and reports, I finalize it with an integrated system of different factors and a reminder for changing speed.

Silent Ocean

Silent Ocean

Jun 10, 2022

Jun 10, 2022


Silent Ocean is an interactive system that helps seafarers to determine the appropriate speed with visual cues so that the impact of noise on underwater animals could be reduced effectively. The integrated system takes ocean noise pollution into consideration and uses the light reminder to visualize the extent to which animals are affected.


While people have various ways to reduce the noise pollution around, including reporting a noise complaint or buying earplugs, underwater animals are suffering more from it. Compared to other pollution, anthropogenic underwater noise wasn’t being openly discussed as a major problem affecting the ocean or being addressed in conservation policies. To reduce the long-term impact on animals and protect species diversity, ocean noise pollution needs to be addressed.

Problem Statement

How might we help seafarers to control the speed of ship in a more eco-friendly and efficient way?


  • Integrated Information

    Factor affecting the speed of the vessel
    -The weather on the Marine Weather Forecast
    -GPS shows current route and positions of others
    -Current vessel speed on Speed Log
    -Realistic fuel consumption on the Flow Meter
    -Positions of marine mammals on Ocean Glider
    Integrated in one system and provides objective suggestion for the captain, and they can avoid ignoring factor of noise pollution.

  • Speed Alert Visualization

    A visual reminder in a more prominent position to tell the crew whether the current speed is reasonable and the impact on marine ecosystem.

  • Advanced Warning

    Warning crew members to slow down when they are within a certain distance of a marine mammal or its habitat


With the increasing amount of human activity on the ocean, underwater animals and the ecosystem are suffering from the human-produced noise inevitably. Commercial shipping is the dominant contributor of underwater noise that is sometimes ignored, as it is not visible and ship is normal transportation. However, most underwater animals sense the environment acoustically and rely on hearing to live. The noise has made the ocean a sonic world and impaired the animals’ ability to hear.

For this project, I make a functional product that could help people be aware of the consequences caused by man-made noise and how to reduce them. After researching equipment and reports, I finalize it with an integrated system of different factors and a reminder for changing speed.